A Night of Nausea: Reflections on the Biden-Trump Debate

Along with over 50 million viewers, last Thursday I tuned in for the 90-minute Trump-Biden debate. I watched with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The anxiety I felt before the debate could be compared to the final moments of the Super Bowl where my team is down by six points with only two minutes left. 

The Pre-Debate Landscape

Before the debate, President Biden was trailing former President Trump in the polls across the six crucial swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. This lag in the polls likely influenced the Biden campaign’s decision to participate in this high-risk debate. The question remained whether the benefits of engaging in this debate outweighed the risks. Nevertheless, President Biden believed this was his opportunity to sway undecided voters to his side.

An Uneasy Anticipation

As someone who has closely followed this election cycle, I couldn’t shake the uneasiness I felt before the debate. President Biden’s recent public appearances had been marred by gaffes and moments that raised serious questions about his cognitive sharpness. Watching a sitting president struggle so publicly added to the concerns about his age and cognitive prior to the debate. The prospect of him leading the country for another four years seemed daunting, and this debate was a critical moment for him to assuage those fears.

At 81, Biden’s age has become an increasingly prominent concern, especially in comparison to Trump, who, despite his own age, appears more energetic and vigorous. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the two oldest major-party candidates ever to run for president. Biden is currently the oldest president ever elected. If he wins re-election he would be 82 when he begins his second term and 86 by the end of it. Trump, who turned 78 on June 14, is only three years younger than Biden. He was previously the oldest president to take office when he was inaugurated at age 70 in 2017, until Biden surpassed that record in 2021.

A Disastrous Performance

The debate was a disaster. Right from the start, Biden failed to assuage doubts about his cognitive abilities. His performance was atrocious, and it was incredibly uncomfortable to watch him struggle. His responses were often halting, and he appeared unable to effectively counter Trump’s attacks. A major gaffe occurred when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Biden about the national debt. President Biden rambled incoherently until he gave up and stated, “Look, we finally beat Medicare.” I nearly died of embarrassment.

As the debate continued, my initial apprehension only deepened. It reinforced my fears and concerns. All the mishaps and cognitive failures Biden exhibited prior to this event made me question the soundness of actually participating in this debate. Why did President Biden decided this was a good idea? Watching a sitting president struggle in such a public and high-stakes setting was profoundly unsettling. It was a stark reminder of the realities of aging.

I couldn’t shake the thought that the rest of the world was watching in amazement at how the Leader of the Free World appeared so weak and frail. How could our enemies respect a man so mentally feeble and cognitively impaired? This debate only intensified my worries about Biden’s capability to lead the nation effectively in such a turbulent global landscape.

Trump’s Performance

Trump clearly won the debate. Despite continually lying, he projected energy and vigor and was more presidential compared to Biden. The moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, chose not to fact-check the candidates in real-time, allowing both candidates to lie. However, Trump lied more frequently. This presented Biden with an opportunity to counter Trump’s falsehoods and demonstrate his cognitive sharpness. Unfortunately, Biden failed to capitalize on this chance. His best responses were vague accusations of “You’re lying.” Biden lacked specific instances to back his claims, further underscoring his cognitive struggles.

Biden’s Failure and the Future

In the end, the debate left me with a lingering sense of discomfort. The contrast between Trump and Biden was stark, and it was clear that Biden’s age and cognitive issues were significant factors in his performance. This debate will likely be remembered as a pivotal moment, not only in this election but in the history of American elections.

The uneasiness I felt before the debate has only intensified. The question now is whether President Biden will cancel his election campaign before the Democratic National Convention in August. This debate has cast a long shadow over the 2024 election, leaving me to ponder the difficult choices that lie ahead. If President Biden does not drop out, there is fear that his disastrous debate performance will affect other Democratic candidates running on the ticket this November.

The Road Ahead

As the 2024 election approaches, the Democratic Party faces a critical decision. The fallout from this debate has already begun to shape the narrative of the campaign. If President Biden chooses to continue his campaign, he and his team must work diligently to rebuild confidence among voters. They must address the cognitive concerns head-on and demonstrate that Biden is still capable of effectively leading the nation.

Alternatively, if Biden decides to step down, the Democratic Party must be prepared to rally behind a new candidate quickly. This candidate will need to unite the party, energize the base, and present a clear vision for the future. The stakes are incredibly high, and the decisions made in the coming months will have lasting implications for the party and the country.

The Trump-Biden debate of June 27, 2024, was a pivotal moment in this election cycle. For many, it was a night of nausea and unease, highlighting the significant challenges facing the Biden campaign. The debate has left many of us with a sense of uncertainty and concern. The future of the Democratic Party and the country hangs in the balance. It is a time for thoughtful reflection, strategic planning, and decisive action. The choices made in the coming weeks and months will shape the future of our nation for years to come.